Entries by The Glass Hammer

Tips on Coaching the Next Generation

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Earlier this week Pershing announced the results of a new study into the financial advisory workforce. The results revealed that while younger generations really desire coaching and mentorship, and older generations want to provide that, there may be a bit of a communication barrier. But, according to Pershing, […]


Davos: Women and the Leadership Gap

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Two years ago, the World Economic Forum introduced a gender quota of sorts – to raise the percentage of women at its annual event in Davos, which I called “embarrassingly low.” In 2010, only 17 percent of attendees were women, so the WEF decided that moving forward, for […]

The Art of Giving Effective Feedback

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) “The most important thing to remember when giving effective criticism is that it is feedback, not failure. The whole reason you give criticism is to help one grow.” –Elle Kaplan, CEO & Founding Partner, Lexion Capital Management LLC When it comes to workplace critiques, perhaps the only thing more challenging […]

Thinking of starting a part-time business? Careful of that non-compete clause

Contributed by Nick Branch, Contact Law Putting your professional skills to use in a personal sideline can offer great financial rewards, personal satisfaction and learning opportunities. What’s more, with increasing use of the internet and flexible working patterns, it’s becoming more feasible to combine your own business with full time employment. Before you get started […]

Hate Small Talk? Here’s How to Make It Work for You

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) Small talk can get big results — but only if you know how to use it. According to Psychology Today, up to 50 percent of the population may consist of introverts, who are often hesitant to “waste time” on what might be perceived as idle chit-chat. But many networking experts […]


Is Executive Presence Sexist?

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) When we think of leaders, we usually have a few ideas in mind about what they look like and how they act. If you asked a random person on the street to imagine a CEO, they would probably think of a person who is male, white, tall, straight, […]

A Career Path That Fits Like Cinderella’s Shoes

Contributed by CEO Coach Henna Inam Remember the fairy tale of Cinderella? The Fairy Godmother gave Cinderella shoes that were the perfect fit for her. Let’s imagine a fairy tale where our Fairy Godmother magically creates a career path for us that is the ideal fit. It helps us to be inspired, to grow, to […]

The Art of Taking Criticism Effectively

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) No one really “likes” receiving criticism. No matter what kind of positive spin you put on its value, the truth is, it can make us feel badly to hear negative feedback, whether from peers or superiors. Sometimes we take criticism to heart, letting it fester and affect our performance. But […]