Entries by The Glass Hammer

Changing the Way We Talk About Work and Family

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) “I totally believe that employers WANT to feel comfortable with a multi-tasking mom, but at the same time, there are still sideways looks and quiet conversations with co-workers. I believe employers want to feel more comfortable with this, but I just don’t think they really do….” –Katherine Woodfield Hermes, The […]

The Path to Gender Parity: Every Route Matters

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Our focus, at The Glass Hammer, is on women’s career advancement at the mid and senior levels. In the past few years, we have seen more women stepping up to leadership in many industries, as well as in politics and the non-profit sector. But not a lot more. […]

WILD about Options: Educating Women on Options Trading

Contributed by Jessica Titlebaum, Marketing Director, Americas at Orc and President of Women in Listed Derivatives The derivatives industry is evolving due to regulation coming from Washington and it’s forcing participants to look at different opportunities in new markets. To help emerging and experienced women navigate these broader territories, Women in Listed Derivatives (WILD) organized […]

Should You Accept a Promotion Without a Raise?

By Stacey Hawley (Chicago) Receiving a promotion is a big deal. A very big deal. Promotions mean more responsibility, new challenges, and an inherent recognition of an employee’s abilities and potential. But not all promotions come with raises attached. During difficult financial times – when many companies freeze base salaries to control costs – employees […]

Can Women (Or Anyone) “Do It All” Through Sequencing?

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) The perennial “Having It All” debate at times leads to the concept of “sequencing,” which suggests that women can in fact have everything they want from work and family life, if only they stagger their timing of when they focus on each. (As a side note, some have bristled at […]

Voice of Experience: Kathy Elsesser, Managing Director and Head of Global Consumer Retail Group, Investment Banking, Goldman Sachs

Kathy Elsesser, Managing Director and Head of the Global Consumer Retail Group in Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs, speaks enthusiastically about the opportunities for women in the financial services. She believes that women can achieve their full potential by being authentic and thinking carefully about what they want in life. “Know what you want and […]