Entries by The Glass Hammer

Working Dads are Feeling the Work/Life Squeeze Too

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) A few years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Norway* to learn about the country’s innovative efforts toward gender equality. Norway had legislated that the boards of all publicly traded companies have to be 40 percent women. But that was only one side of the equation. […]

Does Being Goal-Driven Actually Drive Us Crazy?

Contributed by Emily Bennington If you’re on this site, I’m going to assume you’re driven. Me too. But as driven women, we tend to get wrapped up in things we want but don’t yet have. The dream job… the higher salary… the better body… you name it. So when we want something, but don’t have […]

Work Guilt: Letting Go of Doing It All

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) “A person can only try hard and do their best. The goal is not perfection.” –Leigh Steere, Co-founder, Managing People Better, LLC Many executive women spend time at work feeling guilty about not being able to accomplish more. Yet with so much expected at the executive level, particularly in a […]

Thought Leaders: Lisa Agona, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Lisa Agona describes herself as very thoughtful and very driven. After studying economics in college, she pursued a career in marketing for financial services and professional services companies. After climbing the ranks at Accenture to become the global marketing director for capital markets, she got a call from LexisNexis. “I actually wasn’t going to come – […]

What to Do If Your Flex Work Arrangement Gets Axed

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) “We live in an age of advanced technology, which provides opportunities for more efficient and flexible modes of communicating and working. Eliminating policies such as a flexible work schedule diminishes our progressive advances, and most often negatively impacts women more than men, as women are predominately the primary caretakers and […]

Lean In: A Primer on Owning Your Power

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) By now, you’ve probably had time to pick up Sheryl Sandberg’s new book Lean In – or you’ve at least read a few of the reviews. My first take: I liked it, and more than I was expecting to. If you’re in a position to advocate for women […]

Build a Better Tech Community – With Women

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) CodeProject is the world’s largest independent community of coders and developers. But in early 2012, Sean Ewington, Jeff Hadfield, Chris Maunder, and Terrence Dorsey recognized three related areas in which they believed CodeProject was not living up to its full potential: helping women embrace programming in greater numbers, enter the […]