Entries by The Glass Hammer

Does Mobility Affect the Wage Gap?

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) According to a recent Yale working paper, when married men and women relocate, men make more money, and women make less. The study is based on an analysis of population data from Denmark, and revealed that couples “chose locations with higher expected wages for the man than the […]

Transgender Professional Women: Authenticity and Transitioning in the Workplace

By Hadley Catalano (Boston) After a successful managerial climb at State Street, a large global financial services company in Boston, Michelle Figueiredo made the most difficult decision of her professional career. She had her first conversation with the company’s human resources department about her true identity. “I spoke for three hours with the woman in […]

Relationships are Everything in Businesses

Contributed by John Keyser Relationships matter. If someone trusts us, respects us, has confidence in us and wants to work with us, that can go a very long way to ensure our success. And we must realize that we must earn and continue to earn that trusting relationship, every day. My experience as an executive […]

Movers and Shakers: Lanaya Irvin, Vice President, Global Banking and Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Lanaya Irvin, Vice President, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, believes the financial services industry can only serve to benefit by moving toward greater diversity and inclusion. “The glass ceiling is still very much a real thing. The industry continues to be male dominated at senior leadership levels. Sexism exists in some places just as racism […]