Entries by The Glass Hammer

Turn Your Mentors into Sponsors

By Ida Abbott Sylvia Hewlett’s pioneering research has shown the importance of sponsorship for women who want to get ahead in their careers. Though the title of her new book is “(Forget a Mentor) Find a Sponsor”, I believe both sponsorship and mentoring are crucial. Mentors serve important career functions and many mentors evolve into […]

Presidents’ Day Publishing Break

Dear Readers, We want to wish you a Happy Presidents’ Day and let you know we are taking a publishing break for the day. Check out our Facebook page, group, twitter page, and subscribe to our newsletter in the meantime! Or perhaps you missed these great articles and now is the time to catch up: […]

Tackling Pregnancy Discrimination is Good for the Bottom Line

By Nicole V. Rohr In November 2013, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in the U.K. launched a major investigation into the discrimination faced by pregnant women in the workplace. According to a press release, the new project intends to investigate workplace practices and explore the causes and effects of pregnancy and maternity discrimination. Equality […]

Boards Pay Less for Other Companies when Members are Female

By Mai Browne Do more women in top management mean better financial performance? The body of research on this subject is filled with compelling data, though some of it is conflicting. The 2011 Catalyst “Bottom Line” report revealed that Fortune 500 companies in the top quartile for female representation on boards had a 16 percent […]

The Latest Tricks in the Illusion of Inclusion

By Lois P. Frankel, Ph.D. With Mary Barra tapped as heir apparent to lead this country’s largest corporation and Janet Yellen confirmed as the next Federal Reserve Chairman (yes, that’s what they’re calling her despite the fact she’s no “man”), you can hear men breathing a collective sigh of relief. They hope that maybe now […]

Gender Parity in 2029: Realistic or Optimistic?

By Kayla Turo In a recent article published by The Guardian, Chris Sullivan, Chief Executive of UK corporate banking at RBS, pressed his belief that in 15-years, gender parity will not be an issue. Sullivan assured readers that talent is what should— and will— be the deciding factor of who wins executive roles in big […]

Voice of Experience: Latrise Ashford, Managing Director, Health & Public Service Practice, Accenture

By Tina Vasquez, Managing Editor It wasn’t until Latrise Ashford was interviewing with Accenture that she realized technology consulting would be the perfect career choice for her, enabling her to be analytical and work directly with clients. “A friend who interned at Accenture introduced me to the company and suggested I apply,” Ashford said. “I […]


The Toigo Foundation: Taking Steps to Diversify the Financial Services Industry

By Kerry Jordan “No one who makes it does so alone.” This assertion by Dr. Stacy Blake-Beard, Professor of Management at the Simmons School of Management, was recently made at the Toigo Foundation’s third-annual Groundbreakers Women in Leadership Summit on December 5. In those eight words, Blake-Beard encapsulated so much of what Toigo is about […]