Entries by The Glass Hammer

Voice of Experience: Daphne Karydas, Director, Senior Equity Analyst, The Boston Company Asset Management LLC

Early on in her career, Daphne Karydas learned that a key component of success is to match your skills and talents with your interests and passions. After studying chemical engineering at MIT, Karydas entered the pharmaceutical industry where she worked in research and development at Merck for about 3 years. Seeking a different career path, […]

How Being an Athlete Can Help Women Advance in Business

Guest Contribution by John Keyser I read with great interest Hadley Catalano’s article “What Do Sports Teach Women in Business” in the recent issue of Glass Hammer. It’s an important perspective, certainly helpful to a great many women, and men should listen up as well! As Hadley states, where prowess in athletics and competitive sports […]

The One Thing You Can Change to Be Happy

Guest contribution by Beate Chelette While I was being interviewed on a radio show about the topic of finding happiness, a professional working mother called in to speak with me. She wanted me to help her determine the answer to a poignant question: Why did she feel so unhappy? The caller questioned whether the cause […]

Building the Talent Pipeline: Developing Your Networking Skills within Your Organization

By Miranda K. Brawn, Esq. Barrister-at-Law It is clear that any woman who is going after a high-powered position in any industry, but especially in financial services, law and business, will need to have a strong resume. While many focus on painstakingly compiling their credentials, career background, accomplishments, spending weeks on application materials and making […]