Manhattan-New York

Macro to Micro: Performance of Investments in Microfinance in the Current Financial Crisis

The story about:

  • MFIs in the Trenches, and Specific Regional Differences
  • Investors as they React to the Sector’s Challenges.

The on-going financial market crisis is hitting microfinance institutions and their investors. However, various country and/or market characteristics combined with individual institution policies are resulting in differing consequences. Come hear from the experts running these operations as they discuss their insights on what are driving these differences and how they are dealing with the challenges. Then hear how investors (public and private) are assessing the same challenges in their investment decisions. This will be a great evening with a lively and broad ranging panel examining the story of how a sector whose chief purpose is to supply small loans to those without collateral or access to traditional financial services is at once maturing and reshaping itself during this time of turmoil.

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