Manhattan-New York

Power of Partnership

An opportunity for businesses to increase their positive impact on society through their work with the community. At this event businesses and community organisations will have a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face, forge working partnerships and build mutually beneficial relationships.

Power of Partnership is an annual event which inspires, challenges and supports business in continually improving its impact on society. This year the event will illustrate how businesses have brokered successful partnerships with communities in the region through Cares, ProHelp and Business Action on Homelessness. There will be the opportunity for businesses to learn how they can become involved in one of these programmes as well as increase the impact they are already having.Power of Partnership will incorporate workshops and individual surgeries and is open to both businesses and community groups.

For further information, or to reserve your place, please email Carola Vorlop or Marie Smith or call on 0117 972 2111.