Manhattan-New York

Monthly Meeting of the Foreign Women Lawyers’ Association (FWLA) (Tokyo)

The FWLA is very pleased to have Joy Fuyuno as its special guest speaker on March 10th. Joy is a partner and member of White & Case’s Tokyo Antitrust and Competition Law Practice Group and will explain the requirements and enforcement provisions under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and why we should be aware of such requirements even though our companies and our clients are engaging in business outside of the United States.

RSVP: by March 6th (Friday)

FWLA meetings are open to the public. Everyone — men and women, lawyers and those interested in the law or simply the featured topics of discussion — are always welcome to attend our meetings so please invite your friends and colleagues to attend this exciting presentation. Guests do not need to accompany a member.

Fee Structure
Members Y3000; Full-Time Student Members Y1500; Non-Members and Guests Y5000; Student Non-Members and Guests Y2000 (please present student ID).

Venue Access
The FWLA would like to thank White & Case for their generous invitation and use of their conference room and facilities.

If you have any questions about meetings or the venue and how to get there, please do not call White & Case as they will not be able to respond on behalf of the FWLA. Please email the FWLA at or contact any of the executive committee members. If you have difficulty on the night of a meeting, please call Jay Ponazecki on her mobile at 090-6187-5514.