by Sima Matthes (New York City)
An article entitled “Depressed, repressed, objectified: are men the new women?” in last Sunday’s UK Observer arrived my inbox and I thought, “What, are you kidding me?”
Where to start? The whole idea that the three best ways to describe women would be “depressed, repressed and objectified” is infuriating, as is the idea that these are the best ways to describe men. The truth of these claims is yet another issue.
It’s offensive that in order for women to be “equal” (emphasis mine), men have to be made smaller, weaker, and more “feminine” (again, mine).
The truth of the war between the sexes has been, and remains, that the war is a fiction, perpetuated needlessly by men and women, in our endless desire to reduce everything to the lowest common denominator. If men=”good” then women, logically, must be “bad” and, of course, the opposite tautology is also true. So we get misguided attempts to make things “better” by reversing the equation, rather than balancing it and putting both genders on even footing.