“Tell Me About Yourself…”

In a job interview, could there be any other four words in the English language so terrifying, fraught with meaning, and just plain paralyzing?

When asked this question, it’s no wonder that most people tend to freeze up, get nervous, and then overcompensate by talking too much. But that’s exactly the scenario that could cost you an opportunity, according to Joann Lublin’s recent article in the Wall Street Journal.

Lublin’s article is very helpful in suggesting ways that an interviewee can avoid the “over talking” syndrome, including rehearsing short statements about how your background matches the job, making sure you understand what is being asked, and keeping an eye on the interviewer’s body language.

Reading Lublin’s article reinforced my belief that a little preparation before an interview goes a long way, not only in helping you put your best face forward, but also in helping you relax and let your true self and your best qualities shine through. End result? Hopefully, you make a great impression on the company you want to join and they make you an offer you can’t refuse.

Contributed by Kathryn Nilsson Reichert