The GlassHammer Is For Sale


Dear Readers,

After 12 years of providing career advice and a platform for amazing women to tell their career stories, is for sale.

This online career advice site and events business continues to stay loyal to the original mission stated as “inform, inspire and empower professional women.”

Editorially, we have tried to help women to navigate the terrain optimally by dissecting research, calling on experts and creating a platform for people to tell their story. Our past events have been truly interesting, educational and have served to connect women with each other and with allies and champions.

We would like to see someone else take the baton and run with it for 2020 and beyond as this is important work. It continues to be an important time for gender equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Nicki Gilmour, the founder and CEO, is continuing her work as an executive and organizational coach and consultant and comments:

“I am really grateful that this journey of founding and publishing has taken me to a place where I can do deep work and affect individual and organizational change via coaching and consulting. The time has come to dedicate myself to one, not two, businesses. It will be a pleasure to see the next generation of advocates for equality publish this well-read and much-loved resource for professional women. Fresh energy and commitment from a new person/firm will no doubt take this website to new heights.”

If you interested in acquiring the site and you are a qualified prospect to buy the site, contact Nicki Gilmour, CEO and Founder of the site, at or call 646-688-2318.

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